Celebrating NAIDOC Week at DNEG Sydney

Honouring the histories, achievements, and culture of aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.

Our DNEG Sydney team celebrated NAIDOC (National Aboriginals and Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week in Australia!

Running from July 2nd – 9th, NAIDOC Week celebrates the histories, achievements, and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.

NAIDOC Week gives an opportunity for Australian and non-Australian peoples to learn about the rich history of the oldest continuing cultures on earth, and to focus on the incredible diversity, enduring traditions, rich storytelling, and deep connection to the land. It is also an opportunity for both celebration and commemoration for those on colonial Australian land to acknowledge the historic violence, oppression and forced assimilation of First Nations peoples in Australia, and their continued fight for equality.

‘For Our Elders’

2023’s NAIDOC theme was ‘For Our Elders’, honouring the trailblazers who paved the way for the current generation of First Nations peoples.

Elders are the cultural knowledge holders, teachers, nurturers, and advocates for their families and communities and lead the path to equality through their activism, land management, advocacy and survival. This NAIDOC Week is about paying respects to Elders lost and those still fighting for their peoples!

Did you know that our DNEG Sydney studio sits on Eora country? A land that is home to Gadigal and Darug clans. The colonial name for the area is Pyrmont, though the traditional name is Pirrama, which means ‘rocking stone’. Click here to find out more about the studio.

DNEG Sydney - Reception